After the event's last posting date, all tickets will be purchased as collect/COBO. Our Customer Care department also receive DUPE requests from customers whose tickets are lost in the post. In both instances, customers will be advised to follow the standard Box Office procedure.
Customer Lists
To access this data please log into your Promotion Centre, click onto the name of the event you would like to download the customer list for. Click the Customers/Orders tab on the left and click 'Customer Lists'
We recommend downloading the data as close to the event as possible, to account for any additional customer dupe requests we may get.
How to differentiate between COBO's and DUPE's
Both our collect and dupe list are combined together. Orders without GA numbers were originally purchased as collect.
Any orders on the COBO/COLLECT lists that have GA numbers will need to be duped.
It is important that any orders on the collection list that contain GA/barcode information are cancelled, as they could potentially be used at the event! You may need to contact your ticket printing provider to action this.