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How to add tickets

How to get selling by adding tickets to your event.

Updated over a week ago

Login to your account via the Promotion Centre

If you haven't yet added your event don't worry, click here to see how to get started and add an event. In fact, adding tickets has never been more straightforward! When listing your event in the Skiddle Promotion Centre, you’ll be shown 5 stages to complete your listing. Adding tickets is part of stage 4 of the process.

Once you have logged in select the event you would like to add tickets for.

On the left-hand side select the <Manage Tickets> then <View Tickets>.

Now you will see your event listing. Select the <add tickets> button.

Here you will need to input the details of your tickets. Name them, add a ticket description, choose the price and set the allocation for your tickets. You can even add free tickets!

Choose when your tickets go on sale and off sale at specific times.

Towards the bottom of the page, you will see the advanced options box.

For more details on the advanced options click here.

Press the <add ticket> button.

Your ticket will be added to your event ready to sell!

If you would like to put your tickets in categories click here for our guide on how to do this.

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