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What are the refund window options?
Updated over 9 months ago

When you action an event postponement, you will be asked how you would like to handle refunds. This is to assist our Customer Care team, ensure your customers are looked after and that any enquiries are handled exactly how you would like.

At Skiddle, we are actively encouraging customers to retain their ticket(s) for the rescheduled date and forgo refunds if they can. However, for some customers, this will not be possible and as such, they are legally entitled to a refund at any time up until the rescheduled date. Therefore, we want to ensure anything refund-related is handled as you would like it to be.

Firstly, you will be asked to select how many days you would like your customers be able to refund themselves via a link in their order history. Whatever you select, will be how many days that link will stay live for. Please note, the number of days can only be increased, not reduced.


Following the completion of the days and the link expiry, Skiddle have a 7 day grace period in which late refund requests will be acknowledged and authorised.

Next, you will have to state how you would like any refund related queries to be dealt with outside of the refund window.


You have two choices; to authorise Customer Care to issue refunds automatically whenever requested by the customer, or to refer all refund requests to you. Please note, refunds can be processed at any point up to and including the day of the event. Should you choose to deal with any refund requests, you must abide by Consumer Law and inform Skiddle of any refunds you wish to be processed, failure to issue refunds may result in chargebacks, incurring additional fees.
Should you wish to change any of your choices, please contact your dedicated Account Manager or our Account Support team.

Disclaimer: This article contains information applicable to this promotion centre. This isn't currently available in the beta PC, you need to use the Promotion Centre V 1 for this.

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