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All about Re:Sell
Updated over 10 months ago

What is Re:Sell?

Re:Sell is an official resale platform feature that we offer where a customer can Re:Sell their unwanted ticket. Many customers will use unofficial channels and will then be left out of pocket or unable to gain entry to the event because their tickets aren't valid - a big disappointment if they're turned away at the door.

Our resale platform solves these issues. Because Skiddle are the official ticket agent, we can verify that tickets being returned and resold are genuine. Therefore there is no risk of buying a fraudulent ticket.

Skiddle also only allow resale at face value to prevent ticket touting for profit. You can also rest assured that refunds will be processed in an official, timely manner.

Once a customer adds their ticket(s) to Re:Sell, we will then attempt to resell their tickets through our sales channels on their behalf. If successful, a refund of the face value will be issued back to them and tickets transferred to the new customer - otherwise the tickets will be returned back to them.

How do I activate Re:Sell?

which explains each step.

What are the benefits of using Re:Sell?

The main benefit of using Re:Sell is that it reduces the number of ‘no-shows’ at your event, increasing bar and merchandise spend.

Having tickets held by customers who cannot attend the event encourages resale via social media channels and secondary ticket sites - both of which are out of your control and may lead to the price being increased by the seller. This only benefits the seller and leaves the new customer out of pocket, as well as causing potential issues for you to deal with, such as scamming/fraud.

Our resale process ensures ticket transfer is done within our system so we can guarantee the authenticity of tickets. We also prevent resale above face value.

Is there a cost to myself or the customer?

There is no cost to yourself. The customer reselling their ticket will forfeit the booking fee they originally paid, as this will not be refunded. The new customer will pay the face value plus any applicable booking fee, as usual.

Does this affect Skiddle's ‘fair refunds policy’?

If your event is cancelled/postponed, refunds will be processed as usual.

Which tickets can be resold?

Only tickets which are using our RapidScan service can be returned and resold. This is to ensure we can guarantee the tickets have been cancelled and reissued.

To be eligible for Re:Sell, the ticket must be sold out at allocation and open. Eg the allocation must be 300/300.

What will I see on the event when a batch of tickets are released\tickets are returned?

When a batch of tickets is released you will see a sold out ticket box as the waiting list is putting tickets in people's baskets. If there are any tickets left, or people reject tickets they will go on general sale

What happens to the barcodes of resold tickets?

The barcodes of resold tickets will be automatically cancelled when the tickets are marked for resale. Once resold, a new barcode will be generated and sent to the new buyer. The original buyer will not be able to use their ticket to enter your event and will be notified by email of this.

What will happen if a customer wants to resell a first release ticket, but we are now on to a further release?

The ticket will go back into the 'selling pool' and will be resold at the current price. If you use our automated ‘ticket tier’ system, this will happen automatically. Otherwise you can manually override which tier a ticket should be resold at. The original buyer will be refunded the full face value amount they paid for the ticket if sold, and any extra funds generated from the ticket sale will go directly to yourself.

Can I override which ticket type is resold?

Yes, for any ticket type you can manually nominate a different ticket type to be resold if you wish. The ticket you wish to resell as must be open and unhidden.

What happens to payment plan tickets?

The customer must have paid all parts of the payment plan ticket to be eligible to resell. Once resold, the original customer will be refunded for the face value payment plan amount. You should nominate which ticket should be sold as a replacement.

What will happen if a customer puts a ticket up for resale but the ticket doesn't get resold?

If a customer's ticket doesn't get resold by a specified expiry time, then that customer will be notified and will keep their ticket.

What will happen if a customer order is only partially resold?

If a customer's order is only partially resold, then the customer will keep any tickets which have not been resold and will only be refunded for the resold tickets.

What happens if I’ve already been remitted for the tickets which are being resold?

A charge will be added to your account for the resold ticket(s) you’ve already been paid. You will then receive a new remittance for the new ticket sale. If they are the same amount, this will net zero. If the new ticket is at a higher tier, you’ll receive the difference.

Where will it show tickets that are pending resale?

There will be numerous pages in the promotion centre which will show how many tickets for your event that are for resale.

- Within the tickets overview page, the bar graph showing tickets sold will show tickets pending resale. this will show up as a blue section in the graph and also underneath the graph.

- This page will also provide a full breakdown, via the “Resold tickets” menu.

- Within the orders admin screen the table will highlight a returned order with a red box and a returned arrow.

How is the order of resale tickets determined?

All tickets are returned to a ‘resale queue’ with those returned first at the start of the resale queue.

Do I have the option of choosing what tickets can go on for resale?

Any sold out tickets are eligible for resale if you opt to use this service.

Can I opt out of Re:Sell?

Yes, currently this is an opt-in service so will only be available if you manually enable it.

If I put more tickets on sale for the event, how will this affect the resale?

Your new tickets will be sold before any resold tickets are offered for sale.

Will having tickets on resale alter live ticket counts?

Your ticket counts will only change if/when a ticket is resold. Because tickets are effectively transferred from one user to another, your ticket count should not change. The exception to this would be if you are accepting a ticket which is to be resold at a higher tier, in which case the lower tier count will be reduced, and the higher tier will be increased by the same amount.

For example:

4x Earlybird tickets are resold. They are resold as 3rd release, so the count for earlybird will be reduced by 4, and the count for 3rd release will be increased by 4.

When will the resale finish?

Resale will expire 12 hours before your doors open by default. However you can change this by editing ticket settings. At this point any tickets which haven’t been resold will be returned to the original customer. If you close your tickets early, any tickets pending resale will be returned to the original ticket buyer.

What happens if I postpone / cancel my event and there are tickets on for resale?

If the event has been cancelled then the tickets on for resale will also be cancelled. The original purchaser will receive the refund.

What happens if the customer wants to go to the event that they have resold their ticket for? Is there any way of reversing the process?

Once tickets have been resold, this cannot be undone. The customer would need to purchase new tickets.

Are there limits to how many tickets can be returned for resale, either volume of tickets or value of order?

Customers can resell any number of tickets within their own order. There are no restrictions apart from this.

Why are my tickets not showing as available for Re:Sell?

Please ensure the ticket is:

  • Sold out (ie allocation should match sales - 300/300)

  • Open

  • Not a payment plan ticket

  • The ticket you nominate to be 'resold as' which may be the same ticket or a higher tier, must be visible to customers so others can purchase the Re:Sell tickets.

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